Private Lives

Private Lives

Ambassadors Theatre

4,7/5 Nach 42 Bewertungen (Bewertungen)
  • Buchung bis: Samstag, 25. November 2023
  • Dauer: 2h (incl. interval)
Theaterbesucher (88%) i
Private Lives Private Lives Private Lives Private Lives Private Lives
Private Lives Beschreibung

Nigel Havers and Patricia Hodge star in a sparkling new production of Noel Coward’s immortal comedy of bad manners in the parts originally played by Coward himself and Gertrude Lawrence in the play’s 1930 premiere.

Adresse des Ambassadors Theatre

West Street, London, WC2H 9ND GB (Mehr Infos)

Ambassadors Theatre Wegbeschreibung



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